Saturday Madness

Just for Members: Saturday Night Madness 

Just like Friday night’s Midnight Madness, Members (Silver or Gold Memberships) will be able to play from 8-Midnight on Saturdays for $17 per player. Availability is limited and does not include the 11:40 game (40 minute game).  Due to the 40 minute game this may require the last games be consecutive depending on your start time. At this time there is no restriction on buying the tickets, meaning you don’t have to do so at 7:30 as on Friday.  We will validate memberships at the time of purchase. Bring your Membership card if possible.  

A codename card alone is not a membership.  If you purchased the $5.00 code name card, this offer does not apply.  Membership is the Silver ($15) and Gold ($25/Birthday Party) packages only. 
